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See 威尼斯电玩城游戏下载 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.


TC Energy recognizes water as a fundamental component of the ecosystems where we operate. The protection of our water resources is of the utmost importance to both the environment 还有威尼斯电玩城手游的生意.


Whenever the potential exists for a proposed facility or pipeline to interact with water resources, we conduct evaluations to understand the full nature and extent of the interactions.

TC Energy plays a key role in advancements related to reducing the environmental impacts not only of our own activities, 但是在整个行业中. 威尼斯电玩城手游不断地研究和预测管道对土壤的影响, surface water and groundwater conditions to ensure every possible step is taken to mitigate impacts.


当计划建造一条新的管道时, information is gathered about water bodies along a proposed pipeline route. 这个信息, 还有法规要求, 行业最佳实践, 可建造性和经济可行性, 是用来确定管道安装方法的吗.

在威尼斯电玩城手游的 渡水情况说明 or watch the video below to learn more about the techniques we use to cross rivers and streams when installing new pipelines.

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In June 2013, heavy rainfall triggered catastrophic flooding in major southern Alberta rivers. The one-in-200-year flood exposed four of the natural gas pipelines on our NGTL System where they cross the rivers – creating a potential issue that needed to be addressed. The project team used a mix of soft engineering and bioengineering practices to “re-train” the river – essentially giving the river new engineering skills to help it do a different job, 同时最大限度地减少公司的环境足迹.


  • 威尼斯电玩城游戏下载西蒙内特河管道修复项目, groynes were built to deflect water away from the river bank to prevent further erosion, channeling the flow of water to its original path so that debris and sediment would be deposited in the back eddies, 从而加固被侵蚀的河岸,为鱼类建立新的栖息地.
  • 在另一个项目中,威尼斯电玩城手游创建了一个通道内窗台. A trench was constructed downstream of the pipeline and filled with rock so that the depth of cover over the pipeline would increase as the river naturally picked up and deposited granular material at the sill.

阅读全文 to learn more about how our creative engineering solutions were successful on these water crossing projects.
